Carpets & Textiles

Rushbrooks Carpets & Textiles auctions feature hand woven rugs and carpets and pieces designed to complement all settings and furnishing styles, with hand woven creations from Persia (Iran), and the other main rug and carpet manufacturers throughout Europe, including Savonnerie and Aubusson in France and Axminster in England. Our unique approach to online auctions enables our team to handle individual items or entire collections with equal care and efficiency.

Our recent successful sales demonstrate the current demand for Carpets and Textiles, with sale highlights including a Kerman figural rug, circa 1900, which sold for £5,060 (+BP) and a Tabrez Carpet from North West Persia, which sold for £1,500 (+BP).

Our experts are able to undertake valuations for the purposes of insurance, probate and auction, either in our Winchester or London offices or from the comfort of your own home. We cover Hampshire, Dorset, Wiltshire, London, the Home Counties and beyond. For further information on insurance valuations click here or for probate valuations click here.

We offer free, no-obligation auction valuations at our London office, by appointment only, or online using our valuation form (see below). Our specialist's combined knowledge enables the Rushbrooks Carpets & Textiles department to effectively catalogue and value your pieces, allowing them to reach their full potential in our sales. Submit an online valuation request or contact a member of the team for more information.

Valuation Request

Use the form below to enter your details, please enter a brief description of the item, any provenance you may be aware of, the size of the item and then upload some images of the item you are looking to sell.

Please only upload a maximum of three items on one form. If you are looking to have more than three items valued, please email or call 01962 676534